I was very impressed - it was fantastic to have a product check references and match my manuscript to the journal requirements.
— Author submitting to Addiction, University of Cincinnati

Instantly ensure manuscripts meet journal requirements.

  • Enable automated checks within your manuscript handling software.

  • Speed up publication by helping editors make decisions.

  • Delight authors by giving them immediate, helpful feedback.

  • See top level results within your publishing software or a full, annotated and interactive report.

Available to journals using Manuscript Manager. If your journal uses Editorial Manager or ScholarOne you can


Comprehensive, configurable checks

Decide which of our 30+ checks to run, which are critical, and customise the feedback given to editors and authors on a journal-by-journal basis.

No black box

Checks are linked to the relevant marked-up sections of text, so users can see how the result was reached. A description of each check is below, or you can view our developer documentation to see the pass and fail criteria.
